It is as simple as it sounds
You don’t need to understand the theory to create a fantastic song, and it isn’t necessary to know how a language began in order to use it.
It's just another language
When you think about it, music is just another language. It’s a way for people to communicate ideas and feelings without having to speak.
When you think about it, music is really just another language for us. It is a way for people to express thoughts and emotions without having to speak to each other and, just like any other language, it can be used to express a wide range of emotions, thoughts, and ideas.
This is the beauty of music. There are no skill levels. Everyone can use music as a way to express their emotions without having to study where this language came from.
There are a lot of people who consider music a difficult task due to the fact that it involves a lot of theory. This is the reason why people are categorized or placed into phases. However, if you think about music as a language, you can get along with many great players if you can express yourself using any instrument.
Sadly, a lot of people are discouraged from pursuing their dreams of becoming a musician after receiving the typical training to become one. The typical instructor doesn’t pay much attention to what our goals are, but rather concentrates on music theory or things that aren’t necessary just yet.
Throughout the history of mankind, music has always been our primary language. Everything in this universe is energy and sound, and in order to feel that energy and sound, one doesn’t necessarily need to know why or how it works. Not unless one chooses to.
But certainly not to succeed as a musician, since success doesn’t depend on the amount of knowledge one has. As long as you are able to express yourself through your music and provide value, that’s all you need to succeed.
A number of studies have been done that prove that music is a universal language, and that everything in it has a meaning. When we learn music as a language, we begin to focus on how to get the message across successfully to our audience.
In the event we find ourselves in a situation in which we cannot understand any of the words spoken by two people in different languages, even if we cannot understand a word in their language, we are still able to tell from the sounds they make whether what they are expressing is anger, sadness, or a variety of other emotions. The most important element of this language is that, even if it is not fully understood, it always carries a message, regardless of what it is saying.
Music is just another language, and it has always been and will always be the most important language in our universe. At any stage of your life, it is a language that you can effectively use at any time.
Do not let the “studied” musician’s view of music stop you or slow you down on your journey
We all understand it
There is no doubt that every chord or note represents a feeling in our lives that we instantly recognize.
Music is just another language and the best thing about it is that you do not need to learn it before you can use it to express your feelings.
Taking a look at your favorite songs is a good way to visualize this, because if you don’t pay attention to the lyrics, you will immediately recognize what emotion that song is trying to convey without even noticing the lyrics.
There is a feeling that is attached to a simple chord that you can easily recognize, regardless of whether you have any theoretical understanding of music.
As much as I would not recommend getting buried in theory at all, it doesn’t hurt to just be aware of the basics if you want to be able to understand other musicians or to be able to talk with other musicians about our music compositions with them.
As a leader of a band or as someone who leads a band, you have a better chance of creating better music by simply letting your musicians play what they are feeling rather than giving them instructions or taking notes from a sheet of music.
Every chord or note combination represents a feeling in our lives that we instantly recognize.
- Happy feeling
- Sad feeling
- Uplifting feeling
The theory trap
Success in the music industry does not necessarily come from having awesome guitar skills. Success in music is all about understanding how it all works in the music industry rather than knowing the theory.
The theory trap
If we dive into the musical side of everything, we find that there’s so much to learn about music. Our intent in this course is to focus on things that are relevant to our success as artists and not necessarily as studied musicians.
Having an extensive understanding of how music works, from chords to harmonizing, would be a great asset in an ideal world. However, this is the thin line where most musicians get carried away by the entertaining side of learning musical theory and end up losing track of their main goal. The goal that started everything.
It’s important to remember that success does not necessarily come from the skills you possess or the theoretical knowledge you have, rather from your understanding of how to get there.
While I am not telling you to totally avoid music theory, I do caution you to be very careful when learning it, so that you do not fall into the pitfalls of the so-called theory trap.
It is known as the theory trap because it is a trap where you end up falling into everything related to music theory or music in general attracting you so much that you completely forget about your primary goal that got you into music in the first place. Despite the fact that there are many talented musicians in this world who have in-depth theoretical knowledge about music, they never seem to be able to achieve the success they deserve.
If we lived in a perfect world, they might be rewarded for that, but no one can deny that this isn’t the world in which we live…. however, they truly believe that their knowledge gives them the key to success, and by the time they realize this, it is too late.
It is up to you to learn theory in the way you wish, so long as you are aware of the dangers involved if you do not approach it with caution.
This course has been designed with that in mind, and will only cover all of the elements that lead us to success.
We need to understand how easily music expresses emotions and in the end that’s all that we should focus on.
You’re going to ask someone to help you with this. Their honesty is very important.
Essentially, music is a just a language and each musical composition carries a message. Play these two examples one after another to the person you’ve chosen and ask them to answer the following question for each:
What emotion or message does it express?
Example A
- Happy
- Sad
- Angry
- Uplifting
Example B
- Happy
- Sad
- Angry
- Uplifting
You can see that music has a clear message, and we should learn it this way since successful music depends on us sending the right message to our audience if we want them to support us.